Monday, November 4, 2013

Penyeteman Sasando

SASANDO 24 Senar
Berikut ini susunan nada untuk penyeteman Sasando 24 senar. Hubungi kami untuk info lebih jelas.

SASANDO 28 Senar

Sistem notasi sasando ini telah digunakan pada tahun 1988 dan dalam penerapannya sangat praktis untuk berlatih dan tidak ada kesulitan berarti  
Diagram oleh Lembaga Kursus Musik Haleluya. Bpk. Djony Theedens (Mohon menghubungi beliau jika ingin digunakan)

SASANDO 32 Senar 

 Diagram oleh Lembaga Kursus Musik Haleluya. Bpk. Djony Theedens (Mohon menghubungi beliau jika ingin digunakan)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

My Sasando in Sail Komodo 2013

September 12-14,2013 in Labuan Bajo, Tourism and Culture Office of Labuan Bajo asked me to perform my Sasando in Sail Komodo Exhibition and Gala Dinner for 7 Winner Countries. It was a honor to play Sasando in this greatest event. The sound of Sasando amazed many participant from 7 wonders countries.

With Tia AFI

Let me tell you more about Labuan Bajo and hope you can also come to this beautiful place someday :)

Labuan Bajo is a fishing town located at the western end of Flores in the Nusa Tenggara region of east Indonesia.
Once a small fishing village, Labuan Bajo (also spelled Labuhanbajo and Labuanbajo) in Flores is now a busy bustling center of tourism. It is the launching point for trips to Komodo Island and Rinca Island, home to the famous komodo dragons. Nearby Kanawa and Seraya Islands are a great opportunity to do some diving and snorkeling and every evening at Kalong Island thousands of flying fox bats put on an amazing display. Within a few hours of Labuan Bajo can be found several waterfalls, trekking and many diverse beaches.
Kanawa Island :: Photo by Natalino Mella

The town is quite small and can easily be traversed on foot (in 10–15 minutes). Ojeks (3,000-5,000 Rp) and bemos pass every 5 minutes if you get tired of walking. You can rent a motorcycle for 75,000 Rp. per day. There are now 4 working ATM's in the town and the road is paved.
Komodo Airport is located just 2 km from the center of Labuan Bajo and has 4-6 daily flights arriving from Bali. The port has daily ferry departures to Bima and weekly or bi-weekly departures to Denpasar and Sulawesi.

Labuan Bajo :: Photo by Natalino Mella
Have an amazing journey in East Nusa Tenggara guys and call me if you come to Kupang :)

Monday, July 22, 2013

How to be a profesional Sasando Player?

©2013 Nat Arch Design

History of Tiilangga (Sasando Hat)

Tiilangga is a traditional hat from Rote Island, the smallest island in East Nusa Tenggara Province. Circular shaped with a small horn stand upright on it. This horn is also often referred as the antenna.
Tiilangga made ​​of palm leaves, including the antenna, which has nine levels. Although only a cap but the philosophy behind the design is very deep and interesting. The nine antennas sticking grooves on nine strata interpreted as the government in power at that time.

On Rote island, that famous with palm trees, strata starting from their usual social groups that symbolized as the smallest indentation at the top of antenna. While the king or head of government symbolized the larger indentation, whose position at the bottom of the antenna.

Circular indentation symbolize their support for any policy or regulations issued by the king or the ruling government. This was confirmed by the antenna upright form, as a symbol of leadership.

Such caps generally, the meaning of this traditional hat is the same as a head covering for men from Rote Island. Tiilangga also believed to be able to change their appearance to be more manly. From the beginning until now, Tiilangga still worn by men from all walks of life.

When they attend traditional events, attending events at government offices, performing dance at the ceremony,
go into the garden or field, plays Sasando, they always use Tiilangga in their head.

Sejarah Tiilangga (Topi Sasando)

Tiilangga adalah topi tradisional ini berasal dari Pulau Rote, pulau terkecil di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Berbentuk melingkar dengan sebuah tanduk kecil berdiri tegak di atasnya. Tanduk ini sering disebut pula dengan istilah antena. 
Tiilangga terbuat dari daun lontar, termasuk antenanya yang mempunyai sembilan tingkat. Walaupun hanya sebuah topi tetapi ada filosofi dibalik rancangannya teramat dalam dan menarik. Kesembilan lekukan pada antena yang menancap diartikan sebagai sembilan strata dalam pemerintahan yang berkuasa saat itu. 

Di pulau yang terkenal akan budidaya lontar tersebut, strata dimulai dari golongan masyarakat biasa yang mereka lambangkan sebagai lekukan terkecil di paling atas. Sementara raja atau kepala pemerintahan yang disimbolkan pada lekukan yang lebih besar, yang posisinya di bagian dasar topi.

Lekukan melingkar menyimbolkan dukungan mereka terhadap segala kebijakan atau peraturan yang dikeluarkan raja atau pemerintah yang berkuasa. Ini pun ditegaskan dengan bentuk antena yang tegak, sebagai simbol kepemimpinan.

Seperti topi umumnya, makna dari topi tradisional ini adalah sama yaitu sebagai penutup kepala bagi lelaki dari Pulau Rote. Tiilangga juga diyakini mampu mengubah tampilan mereka menjadi lebih gagah. Sejak dulu sampai sekarang, Tiilangga tetap dikenakan oleh para lelaki dari semua kalangan. 

Saat mereka menghadiri acara adat, menghadiri acara di kantor pemerintahan, tampil menari di upacara, Tiilangga menempel di kepala termasuk saat mereka hendak pergi ke kebun atau sawah.
Tiilangga merupakan kelengkapan yang dipakai saat memainkan Sasando. Kebanggaan dan kegagahan seorang laki-laki akan terlihat saat dia memainkan iringan musik Sasando dengan berpakaian adat rote dan memakai Tiilangga.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sasando Shop (English Version)

Sasando Shop sale many type of Sasando for gift, collection, and can be used to play for beginner and profesional Sasando Player

We Sale:
Electric Sasando 45 Strings (without stand) IDR 4.250.000,-
Electric Sasando 45 Strings (with stand) IDR 5.000.000,-
Electric Sasando 32 Strings IDR 4.000.000,-
Sasandu (Sasando Gong) IDR 800.000,-  
Sasando 24 Strings (Non Electric) IDR 900.000,- 
Sasando 45 Strings (Non Electric) IDR 2.800.000,-
Sasando for gift & collection IDR 300.000,-
Miniature Sasando (Height 12-15 cm) IDR 50.000,-

Handmade Drawing and used by Profesional Sasando Player
Free: Sasando stem and Cabel 3 meter for each order of electric Sasando.

Contact us for Solo or Group Performance in National and International Ceremony.

This Sasando type is called Violin Sasando and used by all profesional player.

We already served buyers from Indonesia and other countries.

Jl. Dodiklat No.6 (Depan Koperasi SPN)
Oebobo - Kupang 85111
Nusa Tenggara Timur - Indonesia
Mobile: 085738012724

History of Musical Instruments Sasando

Sasando  is a type of stringed musical instrument with a resonator of haik (woven from palm leaves) that are well known among the people of the East Nusa Tenggara province (Indonesia).
Indeed, this instrument may be said to be unique, because it is one of the stringed musical instrument with uniqueness in shape, technique to play and also the material of it.
This instrument is quite famous these days in the midst of society, especially after Berto Pah display in IMB (Indonesian Seeking Talent), but the problem is, not all NTT's know Sasando, and only few people can play it. Maybe someday this instrument will be extinct and we had to learn to play it from another people in another countries.
History or the origin of  Sasando, we all just get from stories by generations that have been passed down by orally and writing, but certainly this instrument consists of two types: Sasando gong and violin Sasando.

The development of this instrument goes on along with the times, there is also a modification of the form and the quality of sound with the turn of the strings. fifik replaced by reinforced palm leaves, bamboo skins replaced by the strings of wire, single-stringed replaced by double strings, also developed acoustic to electronic, Sasando gong developed to violin Sasando.
Sasando became the pride for the Rotenese and NTT’s also because of form and beauty. The sound of Sasando has been modified, but on the other hand Sasando players are being reduced. Sure to be a question that comes up, why preservation Sasando be decreased or obstacles? even today violin Sasando players were staying few people. Even in general the number of sasando players is no more than 20 people.
Aware of it, NTT society in general needs to promote and preserve this instrument so the wealth of art and culture can be developed and maintained. Involvement of all elements of society is indispensable in preserving and developing this instrument.

Sasando or Sasandu?
One of the factors that affect the birth culture and structure of an area is the natural condition of the area. It also appears that happen on the culture of Rote people, the origin place of Sasando. The presence of palm trees in the Rote island so meaningful to the NTT’s because of the tree, appears the idea for ​​made a Sasando, therefore palm leaves itself is a cultural foundation stone of society.
Rote society use this plant as a source of life, for making wine, gin (a traditional drink), red sugar, sugar water, ants sugar, mats, haik, sandals, hats roofs and building materials, but more than that, This tree have more value because it inspired the birth of a musical instrument Sasando. Up to now the palm leaves are preserved as a resonator for Sasando.

Yusak Meok, one of the presenters at the Sasando Music seminar at the Hotel Kristal, Thursday (17/12/2009) say, Sasando should named sasandu (sound generated from vibration), born from the inspiration of the founder from  interaction with nature.
According Meok, there are various version about the history of this instrument, among others, this instrument is said to a young man named Sangguana in 1650’s stranded on the Ndana island, Sangguana have artistic talent, so the people took him to the palace, and the princess falling in love with him and asked Sangguana to create musical instruments. Sangguana dreamed one night he playing a musical instrument from his creation, then he given name sandu (vibrate) for His instrument.
"There is nevertheless another story, this instrument was found by two shepherds who named Lumbilang and Balialang, there is also another story, Sasandu was discovered by two friends Lunggi Lain and Balok Ama Sina," said Meok.
Because the instrument has been installed in the resonance leaves, then it called the sandu or the sanu, it has meaning vibration. This instrument then called as sasandu derived from repeated word-sandu sandu or vibrate repeatedly.
Now, it is more pronounced Sasando than Sasandu, but these words do not change the shape and sound of this instrument.
Meanwhile Peter Riki Tukan, other speakers said, sasando instrument is a cultural phenomenon in general and the arts (music) in particular is quite tempting artists instincts.

(Source: Pos Kupang)

Sasando Shop

Sasando Shop menjual berbagai macam tipe Sasando baik itu untuk pajangan maupun yang dimainkan oleh profesional

Sasando Shop sale many type of Sasando for gift, collection, and can be used to play for beginner and profesional Sasando Player

Adapun jenis sasando yang kami jual adalah:
Sasando Elektrik 45 Senar Double Strings (Tanpa Stand) Rp 4.250.000,-
Sasando Elektrik 45 Senar Double Strings (Dengan Stand) Rp 5.000.000,-
Sasando Elektrik 32 Senar Rp 4.000.000
Sasandu (Sasando Gong) IDR 800.000,- 
Sasando 24 Strings (Non Elektrik) Rp 900.000,- 
Sasando 45 Strings (Non Elektrik) Rp 2.800.000,-
Sasando Pajangan Rp 300.000
Sasando Miniatur (Tinggi 12-15 cm) Rp 50.000

We Sale:
Electric Sasando 45 Strings (without stand) IDR 4.250.000,-
Electric Sasando 45 Strings (with stand) IDR 5.000.000,-
Electric Sasando 32 Strings IDR 4.000.000,-
Sasandu (Sasando Gong) IDR 800.000,- 
Sasando 24 Strings (Non Electric) IDR 900.000,- 
Sasando 45 Strings (Non Electric) IDR 2.800.000,-
Sasando for gift & collection IDR 300.000,-
Miniature Sasando (Height 12-15 cm) IDR 50.000,-

Detail Sasando Handmade dan dipakai oleh pemain Sasando Profesional.
Handmade Drawing and used by Profesional Sasando Player
Dapatkan Gratis : Stem Sasando dan Kabel 3 mtr untuk setiap pembelian Sasando Elektrik.
Free: Sasando stem and Cabel 3 meter for each order of electric Sasando.

Kami juga menerima tawaran untuk performance Sasando solo maupun grup di nasional maupun internasional.
Contact us for Solo or Group Performance in National and International Ceremony.

Sasando Elektrik di atas merupakan Sasando Biola yang dipakai semua para pemain Sasando Profesional..
This Sasando type is called Violin Sasando and used by all profesional player.

Kami sudah melayani pembelian dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia juga luar negeri..
We already served buyers from Indonesia and other countries.

Jl. Dodiklat No.6 (Depan Koperasi SPN)
Oebobo - Kupang 85111
Nusa Tenggara Timur - Indonesia
Mobile: 085738012724